
Virtual Security Conference known as VirSecCon2020 and my ranking in VSCCTF.
As due to the outbreak of the Corona virus that start from late 2019 known as COVID-19
every big National as well as International Cyber Security Conference was canceled. So In regard that, two well-renowned hackers NahamSec and Heath Adams(also known as The Cyber Mentor[TCM]) organized a Virtual Security Conference (VirSecCon2020). The conference was conducted free and all the sponsors funds from this conference goes to LLSusa. Conference was full of talks from renowned and most reputed hackers all around the world.
TomNomNom:- Bug Bounties With Bash
d0nutptr:- Practical Exploitation of Insecure Randomness on V8
zseano:- Unique mindset – Hacking with zseano
uraniumhacker:- Protecting your internal assets from enterprise misconfigurations
Stokfredrik:- From NOOB to MVH: What does it really take
ChloeMessdaghi:- Hacker Rights
niden:- Try Harder? Keep Trying! Demystifying the OSCP & OSCE Certifications
b3nac:- Android Hacking
erbbysam:- Hostnames: Trials, Tribulations & VHost Misconfiguration
EthicalHacker:- IoT Hacking Basics – Fun with UPnP and a Smart Outlet
DawnIsabel:- iOS Recon with Radare2
These talks was on April 4, 2020 in Nahamsec twitch channel.
Before these talks i.e on April 3, 2020 they organized a Virtual Security Conference CTF (VSC CTF) which was fully helped and hosted by John Hammond.
VSC CTF was live for 29.5 hours in
VSC CTF was divided into 9 Challenges and among them I was able to solve the below challenges which lend me to secure a rank among top 50 teams rank 46/2513
with points 3720 pts.
- Stegosaurus
- Winter Wonderland
- Elessbe
- 2048
- Pincode
- Quick Run
- Grammer
- Loopback
- Count Dracula
- Buff The Barque
- I Lost My Password
- Tragic Number
- Hidden
- Linux Kiosk
- Catalias
- Chasm
- MissingCho
- 10 Character Web Shell
- GET Encoded
- Sequelitis
- PHPJuggler
- Magician
- JaWT
- Dairy Products
- Irregular Expressions
- Eyeless
- Chief Executive Officer
- Polybius
- Classic
Social Media
I will be writting all the writeups of the challenges that I solved besides last two catageory which was the easy challenge. I would especially like tothank host of the VirSecCon CTF John Hammond for providing a such an awesome platform.
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